FR 03.03.23 Türöffnung: 2200│Türschluss: 0500│Eintritt Grosser Preis: 20│Eintritt Richtpreis: CHF 15

QUEER FRIDAY x „JUST DRAG“ By Tatjianna big Tattas
Cam Bucket // Meo Wulf // Lutsch Bonbon

Queer Friday, jeden ersten Freitag im Monat bringen wir euch queer joy par excellence. Diesesmal mit „JUST DRAG“ By Tatjianna big Tattas!

✺ Tatjianna big Tattas

Die Frau die keiner sein will aber jedoch alle beneiden.
Mit nur 18 Jahren versucht sie sich in der Drag Szene zu etablieren mit ihrem grossen Maul (nicht zweideutig) und ihrer grossen Tattas (sie sind normal gross das ist der Witz)

✺ Cam Bucket

… is truly a bucket of something you’ve never seen before! I’m combining good old-fashioned musical theatre with modern concept of drag and a lot of comedy! Maybe I’m a bit messy and weird, but that’s what makes it fun, isn’t it?
I’m studying theatre directing, and to me, drag is a good way to just let it go and be a beautiful diva on stage instead of this nervous dude behind the scenes that has to put everything together.  And, let’s be real here, I look hot in drag so why wouldn’t I be doing it

✺ Meo Wulf

Being Berlins most unknown Dragqueen is easy, but Meo is on her way. Let her take you without nails... but scratching you anyways... to a happy place!

✺ Lutsch Bonbon

… is a genderbending drag baby from Lucerne. He woke up in a bath tub full of candy in December 2022. Since then, Lutsch charms everyone with his sticky-sweet and mouthwatering performances.

✺ Afterparty NDLOVU B2B AKWASI